If you didn't already know we run a One Day School during term time - Everyone Out Nature School, at Island Bay on Wednesdays and Crofton Downs on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Nature School is for all tamariki aged 5 to 12 years old, whether they attend main stream school or are homeschooled, we provide a rich learning environment where they can follow they own interests.
On top of our normal programme, this term we will:
- Have a gardening expertise join us from Bunnings. Laura will be helping us to set up our worm farm, painting our planter boxes and planting seedlings.
- Learn more about our stream at Crofton Downs from Mountains to Sea Wellington. They will help us to grow our knowledge and investigate local biodiversity and human impacts through hands-on experiences. They will take us on a field trip to see where our stream goes and whether there are any fish barriers.
- At Island Bay we will be going to Wellington Zoo to learn about animal habitats and conservation.
Would you like your tamaiti to join us at Nature School?
We currently have spaces available at Crofton Downs on Tuesday or Thursday in Term 3. There are only two Try Days left if your tamaiti (child) would like to try a full day at Nature School before enrolling for the term.
Island Bay is currently full and there are no Try Day available this term. If you are interested in enrolling in Term 4 please let us know as soon as possible by filling out an enrolment form to help us predict staffing levels.