
Location Updates and Announcements

This is a bit of a long one but we have some important news to share. Read on to get all the details about our new temporary home, updates on the future of the Huntleigh Guide Centre and a special invitation to a farewell event at Huntleigh.

A New Home for Everyone Out (for now)

As many of you know, we’ve been searching for a new venue for Everyone Out for a while as the future of the Huntleigh Guide Centre has been uncertain. After exploring numerous locations from Karori to Tawa, we’re thrilled to announce that we’ve found a fantastic temporary home right in our backyard—Wilton Park!

Wilton Park has proven to be more than just a sports field. During my recent visits, I’ve discovered its hidden gems, including a significant bush area that borders the field and driveway. My daughter’s first reaction to the park was to shimmy up the football goal and ask if "...we could hang stuff off here?" — proof that a simple post offers great opportunities for creative play! The park also neighbours Otari-Wilton’s Bush, with a zig-zag path down to the Bush about 100m along Wilton Road, making it a perfect place for bird spotting and for spontaneous excursions to the stream. The large open field will give our tamariki ample space to play and explore.

However, please note that Wilton Park lacks a large shelter, so we’ll need to be prepared for wet weather. We require all tamariki to bring two sets of spare clothes and full wet weather gear, including waterproof jackets and trousers. We will have a small gazebo for sign-ins, a changing room for keeping gear dry, and a storage area to protect our equipment from the rain.

We are excited to share this new space with you and your tamariki this spring.

Future of Huntleigh Guide Centre

According to GirlGuiding NZ - "GirlGuiding NZ is proceeding with the sale of the Huntleigh Guide Centre and land to the Wellington City Council.

The sale aligns with the wishes of the original benefactor, Mr Leigh Hunt, who asked for the land to be offered to the Council for public use, should GirlGuiding NZ ever choose to sell.

The seven hectares of land to be purchased by Council includes the stream, stream terraces and forested slopes above. The Council will classify the land as Scenic Reserve under the Reserves Act and manage it as part of the Outer Green Belt for public enjoyment and to protect its biodiversity. It will be managed as part of the adjoining Huntleigh Park and Silverstream Play Area and public walking access up to Huntleigh Park Way will be maintained.

The Huntleigh Guide Centre building is not considered suitable for Council community purposes. It does not meet building, accessibility, or safety standards and would be uneconomical to upgrade.

Due to this, the Huntleigh Guide Centre building, the derelict footbridge and outdoor adventure structures on the site will be demolished. For safety reasons, there will be no public access to the affected area during the demolition period.

As previously communicated, the Huntleigh Guide Centre building will need to be fully vacated by 29 September 2024. The demolition of the building & structures is estimated to commence in October and be completed by early December. Once the demolition is complete and the site has been cleared, the recreation areas, forest, and, tracks will be available for the public to use and enjoy.

While we had hoped for new facilities such as a simple shelter and toilet would be installed, unfortunately we have been told this is not in the WCC's plan. We are now hoping that at the bare minimum the sewer pipes and services will be capped so they can be easily connected to in the future. We would love for you and your child to write to WCC to let them know what a fantastic resource the area has been and how much Everyone Out has meant to your whānau.

Everyone Out Whānau Day at Huntleigh

As many tamariki haven’t had a chance to say goodbye to the Huntleigh venue, we’re hosting a special Whānau Day on Sunday, 15th September, from 1:30pm to 3:30pm. We’re crossing our fingers that we can secure this date with the guides for a final farewell.

Come along for an afternoon of Everyone Out fun! Bring a picnic, enjoy the space, and join us by the fire to toast marshmallows. To help us prepare, please let me know if you plan to attend (https://forms.gle/56BpP5uYWn1cB4Kw6) so I can estimate how many marshmallows to buy. I’ll send out a confirmation email once we have final approval from the guides.


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